Oswestry History Index - E

Edward I - King of England (1272-1307)
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Edwardian Oswestry (Edward VII - Reigned 1901-1910)
Old Oswestry Postcards can give us a good idea of what it was like to be in Oswestry 100 years ago.

English Walls
Althought not recorded as English Walls until 1833 this street is thought to have started as a short cut along the outside of the 13th Century town walls. See Street-Names of Oswestry publication.

Wilhelm Eid
View Park Hall Tudor Mansion postcards

Wilhelm Eid was a WWI German POW held at Park Hall from the 26th August 1918 until his release in October 1919,

The War Diary of Wilhelm Eid paints a stark picture of his time at Park Hall. This is an English translation of one of his diaries.

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